Currently Browsing: Maya

Tip – Extrude Inward Evenly

Tip – Extrude Inward Evenly Here’s a tip for Maya that is much easier in Blender. The changes we needed to make while following the tutorial were: Instead of having to manually snap/align/drag the vertices, simply extrude the four top faces “in place” then… using “individual origins” for the pivot point,  scale the new faces in evenly. To fix the errant two vertices, you could edge slide them by hand, but a more accurate method is to snap the cursor to the vertex you want to align them to, then… simply scale along the needed axis to evenly align these vertices to the “3d cursor” pivot point. The original tutorial can be found here...
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Meat Grinder

Meat Grinder Here’s a tutorial for Maya that works in Blender. The changes we needed to make while following the tutorial were: in step 9 we needed to extrude each face separately step 21 isn’t necessary ignore step 38   The original tutorial can be found here...
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